Can you imagine the big amount of things you can learn sharing your time with children? These last days, I've ralised that people who are sixty centimetres from the floor can see much more things than adults, who are a bit taller, and now I'm completely fascinated by the brainstorm children have always in their mind. They don't know what is real or what is not, what has already been discovered or wheter they are the latest famous inventors in the world. They can mix yellow and blue and see another light, that we call green, and perhaps they create a new word in their mind and they think we are crazy when we say frogs are "green", for example. An why am I telling you all this? Where does all these ideas come from? Well, in fact, the only thing I have done this days is having a little holidays with my son. Do you remember him? The little James of that story of secrets books, and secret under-beds, and secret life. Well, here's is my best experience: I saw him bringing a pote of painting to his room, and, as you can imagine, as children do what they want and they don't see things which are wrong (or actually they prentend not to see them), I hurried behind him. And I waited behind the door so that he couldn't see me and because, on the other hand, I don't really want to embarass a future artist with my eyes watching at him. So I let the minutes go on. And in a second he had opened the pote, he had taken a big brush he had prepeared before and he had started writing a story in the wall. Blue words on the previous yellow of his bedroom. It was nice. When he had finsihed, he walked up to me -then was when I realised he had known I was there all the time- and he started reading to me what he had written. And that was still nicer than the blue words in the yellow background. And why didn't I told him to stop painting as he was destroying the beautiful style of him own room? Because of that, because that's his own room, his own world. If I don't let him beeing free in there, how will he learn people need freedom? Don't you think my son has learnt loads of thing from my story of the secrets, although he was asleep?
Paint you room, then!
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Relevant and thoughtful!
I'll be back soon!
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