Sunday, February 01, 2009

Today just some opinions mixed. Lets talk about independence. Oh, yes, that fantastic word which reppresents thigs so different deppending on who talks. There's people who hear "independence" and immediately think about countries, states, having their own borders, showing the ID to get into the next country. There are others who think about personal freedom: saying what you want, not deppending on anyone else, giving opinion, criticizing evrything they want and correcting things they have said, they have done. That could be the most subjective meaning. Then we have adolescents, for who independence means being alone at home, or leaving from their parent's house and having their own one. Finally, I'm sure there are many, many other different ways of feeling independence. So you can add your opinion, if you want! Let's mix!

1 comment:

Nuria Vidal said...

Nice topic, thanks!
I guess we could add some of the quotes from your reader "Deads Poets Society"... We'll see them in class!

There ARE people who hear...
