Definitely I have to get used to write more often on this blog but I have already past a difficult work situation. I had to finish many aticles by the end of last week and, moreover, I had already started writing a novel! Yeah, I know I told you I was a frustrated writer and that doesn't really match with the loads of work I'm doing right now, but things are going like this. I don't know if is chance, or the destiny or something else but the fact is I'm receiving a big number of phone calls for different projects. I hope they won't be canceled the day I write the first line!
Well, the thing is I didn't really want to tell you my pains because you are going to be up to your eyes in reading thing about my life. So today I would like to introduce a topic, which I want to start with a sentence someone has said to me today: "The more words we invent, the more things we can perceive". I think there are two different ways to see how humans think and keep our brain working. On one hand, you could have the impression that we see, smell, touch, listen, and taste whatever that is in our lifes, I mean you can think everything exists and we catch all this and start finding a word to call that thing. That could be one way. The other opinion is what this sentence in commas expresses: we invent words, and we assign one word to one thing, so we can feel the same number of things as words we have invented. I'm going to tell you my opinion one of this days, but I'd like to listen to your ideas!
Food for thought could be the name of that post, don't you think?
Keep your brain entertained, then!
OH! AND RELATED TO BRAIN BUT IN ANOTHER WAY: remember La Marató! You can give money until the end of January or beggining of February, I'm not sure! Each euro counts! Please join the task for people who suffer from mental illnesses!